Saturday 16 July 2011

Becoming an Avon Rep

I have today taken the plunge and become an Avon Rep.  I hadn't received a book for ages and thought I would like to see one.  My road wasn't being covered so I thought why not - I took on the round.  Put my first books out today and need to wait until Monday to see if I have any orders.  Will put the next lot out when I get these back.  Only covering 100 houses so don't expect it to be big orders but thought it will give me a little bit of extra money.  Not much work involved as it really just sells itself and not a large initial outlay unlike some other companies.
At the end of the day I can give it a go and if it doesn't work out I haven't lost anything.  Watch this space to see how things go.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

School Holidays Approaching

Only 2 weeks left until the end of term.  This school year seems to have flown by.  It only seems yesterday that Lauren was moving into year 3 and into the Junior School.  Two more school years and I'll have to start to look at senior schools.

So what will everyone be doing during the holidays?  I was thinking of spending some time down at my caravan at Haven Allhallows.  I am hoping that there will be lots to do and it should keep Lauren entertained.  I want to try to spend as least money as possible this school holidays.

As an avid comper I am hoping to win some tickets to places and some activity prizes would also be good.

Would be interested to know what others are doing for the school holidays and any suggestions for cheap days out would be good.