Saturday, 16 July 2011

Becoming an Avon Rep

I have today taken the plunge and become an Avon Rep.  I hadn't received a book for ages and thought I would like to see one.  My road wasn't being covered so I thought why not - I took on the round.  Put my first books out today and need to wait until Monday to see if I have any orders.  Will put the next lot out when I get these back.  Only covering 100 houses so don't expect it to be big orders but thought it will give me a little bit of extra money.  Not much work involved as it really just sells itself and not a large initial outlay unlike some other companies.
At the end of the day I can give it a go and if it doesn't work out I haven't lost anything.  Watch this space to see how things go.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

School Holidays Approaching

Only 2 weeks left until the end of term.  This school year seems to have flown by.  It only seems yesterday that Lauren was moving into year 3 and into the Junior School.  Two more school years and I'll have to start to look at senior schools.

So what will everyone be doing during the holidays?  I was thinking of spending some time down at my caravan at Haven Allhallows.  I am hoping that there will be lots to do and it should keep Lauren entertained.  I want to try to spend as least money as possible this school holidays.

As an avid comper I am hoping to win some tickets to places and some activity prizes would also be good.

Would be interested to know what others are doing for the school holidays and any suggestions for cheap days out would be good.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

E-Cloth Competition

I haven't mentioned before but I am an avid comper.  I like to enter what I can and enjoy my wins however big and small.

A Twitter friend is running a comp to win an E-Cloth.  The details are here:

Check out the page.  E Cloths are environmentally friendly and are reusable and washable.  Good luck with your entries.
Half term is now over with.  Have had a fantastic week down at Haven.  It really is a great place for families.  You should check out their website at  There really is something for everyone.  This week Lauren has participated in Water Inflatables, Aqua Gliders (inflatable mini jetskis), Water Walkers, Archery and Target Shooting.  As well as these she has been thoroughly entertained by the children's funstars.

They currently have some great offers if you are considering a "Stay Cation" this year.  I would thoroughly recommend Allhallows as a site to visit.  It's small but there's loads to do and they are the only site to have an "inflatable jumping pillow".

I can honestly say that Lauren is always busy there and I don't have any "I'm bored" at all during the holidays.

It has been really relaxing just to get away from it all.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


My injury is still affecting me and also affecting my life at home.  Today I have been unable to even move my head, the pain is that bad in my neck and back.  I telephoned the doctors regarding the results of my MRI.  They are back but have been reviewed and I was informed it's not urgent that I be referred to a neurosurgen.  Ok.  I was then told I had to see the rheumatologist again.  That's not what he told me.  I don't have an appointment so the earliest they can give me is 21st July.  Nearly 2 months time.  As you can imagine I am not best pleased and currently do not hold the NHS in high regard.  I cannot work so am now going to have to spend the next 2 months at home.  It may not be urgent to them but it is to me.  On the bright side they have offered to send the MRI to the rheumatologist to see if he can make a decision before then - thanks!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Having been injured in 2009 I am currently awaiting an operation.  As a result I am no longer able to drive to work.  The simple answer would be to place me at a station within walking distance of my home where I could do some form of work.  No - not likely - I have been informed that I will have to use public transport to get to my current place of employment.  A 15 min car journey is now likely to take me two hours by public transport that's if everything runs to time.  Not feasible and totally unrealistic.

The result is that I have now had to go off sick until things can be sorted and I can speak to my union.  There is supposed to be promotion for mothers going to work but believe me the way I currently feel is that I would be better off not working. 

The saga will long continue.....

Sunday, 20 March 2011

This week has certainly been one I won't forget. Firstly it was promotion exam week. The multiple choice question paper for promotion that all police officers detest. I am now convinced that they try to minimise your chances of promotion by putting in questions that are so difficult to answer you don't have a hope of passing. Let's face it, if I were to be promoted and came across something I didn't know I would look it up! Still, it's done now - four weeks to wait for results but being honest I am not holding out much hope.
Still there's always next year.

Wednesday turned out to be the day from hell at work. Why is it whenever you find someone doing something they shouldn't be you are met with the words "me no speaky english very well". I mean, come on, do they honestly think I'm that stupid? I can say that it was a good job Lauren went to her friends for tea after school as I was exactly three hours late home from work and good old "Her majesty's service" won't pay me overtime.

Friday was Red Nose Day and Mad Hair day at school. Trying to find something red to wear was a feat in a half. Had taken Lauren's red and white top to the caravan last week and forgot to bring it back so had to raid the wardrobe to find something else. No red hair dye so blue hair it was!

Note to self - remember to wash hair prior to going swimming to remove dye otherwise you end up with blue clothing!

Lovely weekend spent at Caravan. Lauren has certainly enjoyed meeting her new entertainment crew - I think "Richard" is the new favourite. "He's Funny" is how Lauren describes him. Great time spent discovering nature, orienteering and creating stuff. Back to work and school tomorrow - looking forward to next weekend.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Saturday 12th March

Well another week is over. Took a few days leave this week to study for my promotion exams next week. Am now relaxing with my family at my caravan in Kent. Spent a lovely morning volunteering in school yesterday morning, how I love 4 and 5 year olds they are so innocent. Brings back so many memories of when Lauren was that age. Can't believe how fast they grow up.

Talking of children, found a lovely site they have some beautiful baby blankets. All made from 100% organic cotton and what fantastic gifts. Am just loving the personalised baby blankets. From £45.00 I will certainly be looking at this site for future family members having children. The blankets can be personalised with name, date of birth, weight etc. Check out the site as they also produce christening blankets.

My favourite product has to be the christening blanket here:

I will certainly be thinking of this for my next godchild.

Well going to be off swimming shortly and spend some quality time with my family as will be back to the grindstone on Monday, preparing for promotion exam on Tuesday. Not holding out much hope of passing - but hey, it costs me nothing to enter!

Thursday, 10 March 2011

So the report into police pay and conditions has been published. Believe me, I'm not happy. It's hard enough as it is yet alone start taking money off of people. Fair enough, change pay and conditions to those who join so you start phasing the money out but to just take money off of people is not right. I would like to know where they got the figure on the news that a constable earns more than £700 a week. If I earnt that I wouldn't be moaning!
Today is my first day of blogging. Thought I would set up the blog to give an overview of my life as a mum and a police officer. Trust me it's hard work.
I have been policing for 15 years and a mum for 8 years. How my life has changed since I became a mum. Trying to hold down a stressful job whilst juggling my life as a mum. Things can only get better I tell myself every day.